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    Trabzon has a rich cuisine consisting of various flavors introduced by different cultures for thousands of years. Anchovy is the trademark of this cuisine; there are 40 different dishes made of anchovy in Trabzon in addition to hundreds of dishes cooked with corn, kale, green beans and hazelnut very well-known all around Türkiye. Trabzon cuisine draws the attention of tourists in the city.

    We can name geographically marked products including Sürmene pidesi, Akçaabat köftesi and Hamsiköy rice pudding as well as fried anchovies and pilaf with anchovies, nettle soup, kaygana, kuymak, kale soup and stuffed kale among Trabzon’s most known regional food. Vakfıkebir bread and Tonya butter which are also geographically marked products, are among most preferred products by tourists.

    Tea is also synonymous with this region. Tea farming is done mostly in eastern Trabzon. Deep blue-Black Sea lying before heavenly view of Trabzon and delight of tea in copper tea-pots are irreplaceable joys of the people of Trabzon.